Happy Wife, Happy Life?

If you’re married, you’ve heard this saying before. Your father told you this, his father told him this and his fathers father told him this. But after further review is this saying true?

Since February 26th 2009, Tom Brady checked every male dream off his list. NFL QB, winning a Super Bowl, marrying a super model. Something every male dreams of doing when you are a teenager and Tom did it. We all thought he was happy, even with his crazy (allegedly) wife Giselle yelling and looking angry all the time. We just thought Tom was trying everything in his power to just make a woman that has it all happy.

But since their reported split, has Tom become happy, and now enjoying a happy life? The answer may surprise you, but yes he is happy. 2-0 since the split Tom is looking like his old self. So let this be a lesson to all of us males that hear this saying every year, month, day. Just be happy being alone with a shit ton of money and fucking everything that walks in Florida.


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