Growing up I never did drugs, didn’t start drinking till I was 18. I am now 36 and eat gummy’s and drink daily. Thats not what I am here to talk about. The gummys are to relax me and help me get a great night sleep, its also given me the most messed up dreams and thoughts.

The thought I had last night was one of those enlightenment and life thoughts Ive ever had. When you’re born you are given your family’s last name, for this we will use White for this example. So say your Grandfather only had sisters. He would be the only one to keep the White family name going. So he ends up having your father and only your father, being an only child. Your father then has you and your sister. You being the last man in the family is the only way to keep the name going, you have 4 daughters. When you die your family last name dies with you.

I feel like that is so mind blowing that you could be the last one to carry on the legacy. I think I thought about this more because between me and my two other cousins we are the ones that had to carry on the legacy of our last name. My one cousin, all girls no boys so he can’t carry on. My other cousin and my self had a boy and a girl, our sons are the only ones that can carry on the names.

Maybe it’s me and maybe its because I took gummy’s before writing this but it just makes you think.


Josh Allen isn’t that good


What’s the deal with the JBJ deal?