They could have already played the Super Bowl. Who would know?

Every year at this time you have endless coverage from media day to radio row where you turn on any sports channel and they are covering the NFL and Super Bowl week. This year it has no feel and on paper this could be the NFL’s best matchup for a Super Bowl in quite some time. The storylines, the players, the coaches, so many feels and so much to talk about, but if you turn anything on…nothing.

Stupid Covid-19 has ruined yet again something that I love and this time it is the Super Bowl. I am not one to go to a Super Bowl party for several reasons. The first being, I actually enjoy sitting down listening and watching the game. I don’t need someone asking me a billion questions about what is going on and who is this player and so on and so on. I like my get together very small with people who will sit and watch and talk only during commercials. The second thing is the food. I love food. Greasy, clog your arteries, bad for you food. Wings, potato skins, nachos, beer, boom! Simple but affective menu. Come over eat, drink, and watch. That is all I do, but this year I will be at home watching the game for the first time by myself due to this stupid pandemic.


It has been a strange 365 days and this caps it all off. I don’t have that excitement that its Super Bowl week or that the game is in 4 days. It feels like an ordinary day. Oh and if you’re wondering I’m still buying a shit ton of food and drinking White Birch Brewing and Pipe Dreams beer for the game. That will not change.


Bill Belichick has Senioritis


The BBWAA can suck the Cumulative fart the rest of baseball has been choking on for years - A Literary Poem