Dear New England, Stop drinking the Kool-Aid

This is an open letter to all you Patriots Pink Hat boobs that are saying you are now a Tampa fan too and want to see Tommy win it all. First of all let me remind you its in Bill We Trust, this is the creed we live and die by here in New England. When Brady decided to leave due to his wife not liking the New England weather and how Bill didn’t show him enough respect (sorry Tommy but everyone is treated the same, it’s the Patritots way).

This whole season myself and the queen have started the #deadtome and Tom is public enemy number 1. Sorry if you aren’t a Patriot you are an enemy to the Bill Belichick empire and I do not want you to succeed. Reading Facebook and Instagram and seeing all of you mindless fools saying, “He’s still my GOAT, I am all in with you Tommy and Tampa.” You people make me sick. You are the definition of a bandwagon fan. Only cheering for good teams and not suffering like the rest of New England that had to endure watching Cam Newton try and throw a football and go 7-9.

See to be a fan you need to be able to win 6 Super Bowls and also deal with the losing and folks we are on the losing side now. Tom won’t play forever and what will you do then? Are you going to become a Chiefs and Mahomes fan, a Seahawks and Russel fan? I just want you to know that reading Rich’s blog knowing he is now doing the unthinkable of rooting for Benedict Arnold and putting on a Tompa Brady shirt has made the Queen and I sick to our stomachs. Rest assure we will not be drinking the kool-aid. We are taking the field against Tampa and hoping for a devastating beat down by the Pack so we don’t have to hear about this for 2 weeks.

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Do I have to Snip Snap and route for Brady?