At 73, it will be easy to beat the man

Big wrestling news came out over the past 24 hours, The Nature Boy Ric Flair will be wrestling for the first time since 2011….. at age 73. Ric Flair wrestled for Jim Crocket promotions in the 70’s and 80’s and will be doing it one more time in July against an unnamed opponent.

Who in their right frame of mind would allow a 73 year old man with health issues and a pacemaker go inside a ring for one more match. I’ve seen the videos of him training with Jay Lethal and boy oh boy its cringe worthy.

I’m not shitting on Flair, he is in my Mount Rushmore of wrestlers, back what he did in the 70’s through the 90’s he deserves to be one of the most decorated wrestlers of all time but not in 2022. The ship has sailed and it’s going to be more embarrassing for him going out to the ring. I don’t know if this is to ploy to get his name out of the mud ever since the episode of Dark Side of the Ring aired and the flight attendant said Flair sexually assaulted her and since then no big promotion has brought him in even though he is Ric Flair.

We have seen it all before, these guys and girls going out for one last run because this is all they know, they want to feel that rush one more time but it is never the same. All i’m hoping for is that Ric gets through the match with no injuries or god forbid a medical emergency and after this match in July no one should ever let this man wrestler ever again, lets just remember him as he was and the legend that he was.


Time to shake it up


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