American Sports Need Relegation

If there is one thing to bring over from over seas is relegation in sports. How many times have we asked the question, “Can Alabama beat this years (insert shitty team here)?” The NBA has the Sacramento Kings that haven’t been good since I was in high school. How great would it be to see the Kings being sent down to the G League to play and the Maine Celtics now in the big times and playing in the NBA.

It would help with franchises that have been bottom feeders, with cheap owners that don’t want to spend but just being an owner is good for their portfolio.

Major League Baseball will never have a hard cap. So the teams that want to spend will always compete while teams like the Orioles, who’s owner has come out and said that his priority is summer concerts, Baltimore city events and then the team in that order, now would have to compete or be sent down to Triple A.

This is the only way I think tanking in American pro sports stops. Owners won’t stop tanking as long as they are getting that professional money from people coming to see one of 30 plus teams play their sport.

Consequence is the only way to make these owners spend and put out a competitive balance across the landscape. If you suck well have fun playing down in the minors.


What is wrong with the Celtics???
