The Patriots OC search smells fishy

The names continue to pile up with interviewees for the Patriots Offensive Coordinator position. I don’t like it.

I’ll give it to you straight. This feels like a Fuck You from Belichick to Kraft. Bill was by all accounts told that things will be handled differently this off season. Belichick will not be sailing the Caribbean. He will not be flying in one of his buddies to take over an entire side of football operations. There will be public transparency in what’s going on. Kraft is meddling in football operations. That just can’t sit well with the old ball coach. It wouldn’t sit well with most folks. No one really likes getting told what to do. Especially after you know you fucked up.

The response here is, “Okay Robert. I’ll interview an OC. In fact I’ll interview every single freaking chump who shows interest as long as I have a personal relationship with them and can pump their tires. Let the media know. “Bill Belichick is looking for an OC. Even the Adrian Klemm’s of the world have a shot at this job because my big bad boss told me so.”

Shawn Jefferson, Keenan McCardell, Adrian Klemm? Give me a break. Not a single one of those guys is getting an OC opportunity anywhere else. Not a single one of them has touched a QB in their professional coaching careers. Every single of them has a personal relationship with Belichick. And talk about throwing a bone to a guy. Nick Caley has been with the Patriots for 7 seasons and hasn’t sniffed the promotion he’s looking for. One headline that he’s interview with the Jets and he is all of a sudden in the running to take over as OC. Ha!

I don’t know how this will all shake out. To be fair it looks like O’Brien has the job. Which makes the other names feel even a little bit more like a dog and pony show doesn’t it? Bill is still the smartest guy in the room putting out a major smoke screen for his true intentions, blah, blah, blah.

I hope they bring in someone who is truly qualified, but for now Tuna is on the menu here ladies and gentleman.

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