The Patriots are the laughing stock of the NFL

Jags, Jets, Redskins, Lions, traditionally these are the types of teams and organizations you would associate with dumpster trash can laughing stock franchises in the NFL. It’s now time to add the New England Patriots to that list.

Last night the Patriots lost to the desolate Las Vegas Raiders on the most clown show play I have ever seen.

That’s fucking Buttfumble level stupid. Embarrassment. Laughing stock. Idiocracy. Bush League bullshit.

The Patriots of old were not completely absent of dumb plays. Miami Miracle anyone?

Here’s the deal. This was the basement of an already shit season. You're coming of the heals of the entire nation putting the nail in the coffen of the idea that Matt “Skinny Ray” Patricia has driven this offense into the dirt. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are literally laughing at you. Mac Jones is mutherfuckin’ his coaches two weeks straight. In each of those games their offense is dragging the sport back 30 years. They are the 2nd worst offense in all of football. Mac Jones has metrics in the mid 30’s of NFL quarterbacks. There are only 32 teams!

The Raiders have set records this year for blowing double digit leads. They gave up 14 straight TDs in the redzone. These jokers from New England managed to snap both of those records in truly miraculous fashion.

Lets just take one second to remind everyone how they lost again…

This is the worst coached Patriots team I’ve ever seen in my 36 years of life. The wheels have completely fallen off. There is no chance of the playoffs. There is a very high chance of the Patriots finishing last in the AFC east behind the JETS. Sorry, NO coming back from this. Belichick is officially on the hot seat. Heads should role. Start with Patricia. Start benching malcontent players. Start with the QB if you want. I Don’t give a shit. The biggest mistake you could make now is continue this circus under the same management. The Tigers are eating the ring leaders. Kill the Tigers and hire some new leaders.

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The Patriots Civil War


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