The MLB owners are evil geniuses

If you haven’t been following the MLB lockout situation let me some it up for you, players want more of the pie that the owners are bringing in. The owners are saying they aren’t bringing in that much money but refuse to open up their books to prove it. It’s just a circle of money grubbing whores with their fists out wanting more money. For one of the longest running sports in America its funny how this will be the 9th work stoppage since 1972 losing a total of 1,737 games and that number is about to grow because it is February 28h and there is no agreement. The owners came out today and said they would be fine losing a month of games and that’s what made my ears perk up.

Who the hell wants to go watch baseball in late March and early April. It’s cold and raw out, the game is slow because your muscles don’t work like they do in the warm weather, its an awful product where ticket sales are low which means concessions are low which means the owners don’t make the kind of money they would in May-September. Genius, the owners basically are pushing the season back by not negotiating with the players just so they can have a condensed season. Come May, the NBA and NHL playoffs will be coming to their conference championships so more eyes on the MLB product and sports fans will be looking for something to watch. Maybe your team has been eliminated or the off days for travel you want to watch something, boom MLB is on. the owners are looking out for their bottom dollar and by pushing the season to May is the first step into helping the owners make as much cash as possible.

Baseball and beer go hand and hand, so head down to White Birch Brewing and stock up on all your essentials for when the baseball season starts, 460 Amherst St. Nashua NH


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