“That’s a huge Bitch”

Is a line from a movie called Shallow Hal. It is a very offensive thing to say. So you are welcome for bringing it to your attention as a phrase you should immediately remove from your vernacular. As a matter of fact, Shallow Hal was the first movie I ever walked out on in the theatres. Was I offended by the off color jokes and language? No. It just wasn’t funny.


I digress. Look at this situation we have here. Anyone heard of title 9? Good. Title 9 in it’s purest form is a good thing. It provided sports for girls who would otherwise not have any. Problem is they tied it to the notion of boys sports and girls sports being equal. They aren’t. It’s okay to say that. I understand the nuances and examples needed in this conversation, but we are not here to debate title 9.

We are here to say men and women are different. For the purpose of this conversation the difference is Men are bigger, stronger, and faster than woman. If a woman can be successful playing against men, like Sarah Fuller as a kicker out Vanderbilt, it is heralded as a great achievement and it should be. A man being successful in a woman’s sport is not allowed. So this idea of a woman being allowed to play in a Men’s sport but not vice versa by it’s very definition is not fare and balanced right? And I don’t care. I just want you to admit it. I am woman hear me roar, Rich you’re right. Thank you.

Well, this story involves a trans-person who identifies as a woman. Great. I do feel for her. I’m sure it’s extremely difficult to find a place where you belong as a Trans person in our society right now. That does not change the physical nature of her body. She is psychologically and physiologically a woman in every way, but this is a man’s body. Sure, I understand there are drugs and surgeries that lower the testosterone and all that, but come on. Look at this Woman, that’s a man. ‘s body.


This seems fairly fucking fundamental to me but apparently not? And I do want to ask, if a woman can play on Men’s teams, but men can not play on woman’s teams. Could this woman not have played on the Men’s team at this school? The Men would probably be assholes, true.

The Trans Community needs all the support they can get and deserve. That doesn’t mean you have to be blind imbeciles when it comes to the obvious. I can’t say I am for the banning of trans people in athletics. It’s hard for me to see a place for trans people who were once a man with the size and strength of a man who now identify as women in Women’s sports. Sorry.

The support for trans athletes is valiant and needed, but often misses the mark and avoids or misconstrues the obvious in terms of the actual game. Men and Women’s body’s ARE in fact different.

Unless we rip down all barriers how can this be considered fair? And if we do rip down those barriers, how is it safe? The reason men and woman sports are separated is because of the physical difference. Shit, they separate kids in football by weight. Men’s basketball leagues are separated by age. Intramurals are separated by how shitty you are.

Andy Reid at 13 years old. Yea, they changed the rules.

Andy Reid at 13 years old. Yea, they changed the rules.

I get this is really not fair for trans people, but what about the other woman competing? Look at the famous example from the MMA. A girl got her fucking skull broken. In 2014 Fallon Fox, a trans Woman beat the shit out of Tamika Brents, a biological woman. Here were some quotes after the match:

I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right… I still disagree with Fox fighting. Any other job or career I say have a go at it, but when it comes to a combat sport I think it just isn’t fair.


Fucking ridiculous. There is science behind all of this of course and The Olympics certainly have weighed in and adapted over the years. Right now there are restrictions for Woman who were once men, but not the other way around. Smarter people than me are hopefully working towards a solution. Source Source. There rightfully is a lot of focus is on the discrimination, but not the physical barriers. So look, I will teach my daughter not to discriminate against anyone, but should she be guarding her Dad’s old 6 foot 3 inch buddy, Linda in the paint?

Now, I’m not saying this 40 year old behemoth (Can I call her that? I Know I could have called him that. I guess we should call no one names. tisk tisk) playing against 20 year old girls is Juwanna man, but can you really look at the photo, watch some highlights and say fair is fair? Can we all just turn down the outrage machine and turn up the common sense a little? Oh, and while you’re there toss in a little sense of humor.


P.S. How do you think John Sally would feel about being the John Doe for the Trans community? Is it too on the nose? That’s a joke for the Trans people. Sue Me.


please send hate mail to amorre04@gmail.com


My boyish nature is about to royally Disappoint me


Questions from the throne