KD is the King of Spite

No no drama we don’t want no drama, unless you’re in the NBA and a superstar. The first spiteful player that ever comes to mind is Michael Jeffrey Jordan, when the Detroit Pistons left the floor before the game was over Jordan would never forget that, so much so that he made sure Isiah Thomas, no not that IT that you Green Teamers desperately want back, but the Detroit Pistons star back in the 80’s was one of if not the best point guard in the Eastern Conference. Jordan made sure that Thomas wouldn’t make the inaugural Dream Team back in 92 for his douchey exit in that playoff series.

I bring this up because last night during the NBA All Star draft Kevin Durant trumped Jordan when he snubbed former teammate and making him the last pick in the draft format, James Harden. One of the things the NBA lacks is that genuine hate for another player, back in the day you wouldn’t see these guys dapping it up at end of games, or going to the club and drinking after a playoff loss.

Back in the late 90’s the Knicks and Heat were must watch games and playoff series. These guys hated each other and that’s an understatement. Hard fouls, tough defense, and fights were guaranteed when they met. Now do I think Durant and Harden will throw hands? No, but it almost feels like must see NBA. The scenario of Embiid hating Simmons, Harden hates Kyrie, Kyrie and KD hate Harden I know when March 10th rolls around I will be glued to the tv to watch. NBA has missed this and I am glad in some way it is back.


Tony Khan needs to cut it out


The Celtics got better. Right?