It’s time for Danny to stop Acquiring talent and build a roster

Let me ask you something. Do these names strike fear into the heart of an opponent? Carsen Edwards, Tremont Waters, RomeNOSHOW Langford, Grant Williams, Semi Ojeleye, Daniel Theis, Aaron “Peach baskets” Nesmith, Robert Williams, JaVonte fucking Green. (Notice Tako didn’t make the list because although I believe him to have a heart of a fruit basket, he is a giant and civilizations before ours would bow to him as king.) Look at this list of full on heaps of garbage the Celtics have to support their starting 5. I didn’t even put Teague on there who may be playing the worst out of all of them.

I don’t want to come off as just being an asshole dumping on guys here. I think a number of these players given the role and opportunity could have a successful career. I’m on record saying I Love Grant Williams. I also once said I would like to stay 9 years old for the rest of my life. Things change.

The bottom line here is Danny Ainge has collected assets and talent for what feels like forever, but it’s actually been since around 2013. And don’t get me wrong. Danny has done a great job collecting talent and manipulating into a competitive roster through free agency, trades, and the draft. Well, we are at the end of that rope. It is now time to assess what you have left and build a basketball team to win, not a bunch of athletic kids to teach.


So what does that look like? Probably losing a trade for a bench player. That’s what that looks like. You need to fill and assign roles. You need rebounders, shooters, defenders, who know what they are there to do and do it well. No more hero shit. No more Scary Terry trying to make a name for himself. Give me Harrison Barnes or JJ Redick or Andre Drummond or who ever fits the bill. All guys who we would normally scoff at because of their gross over payment and lack of success. This is the market you are in now and the roles you need filled.

You have two young un proven lottery picks on your bench. You have a 3 and D guy in Ojeleye who is at the peak of his value. This guy will never play this well again. Any one taking the cheese is a fool. Robert Williams is a young athletic big that teams take chances on all the time. You have moveable salaries in Theis, Teague, and Thompson. Your picks will be high and useless to you for the for seeable future. Shit, even Tako and is Amazon Vines for arms could be intriguing because of the size.

That is a real life human woman

That is a real life human woman

The point is it’s time to put your big boy pants on and give Tatum and Brown the team they need to win. And one last thing. Shut the fuck up with the Kemba trade talk. It can’t happen so it won’t happen and I will add it shouldn’t happen. Figure out why on your own time just enough with the non sense.


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