Gary Bettman should be embarrassed

It’s no secret, the NHL is on the bottom of the 4 major sports in America. But the latest news from the NHL is just laugh out loud funny. Back in the mid 90’s Gary Bettman thought it would be a swell idea to have teams relocate down in southern states, Hartford Whalers moved to Carolina, Quebec Nordics moved to Colorado and the Winnipeg Jets moved to Phoenix….. a region that never gets snow, has no real hockey fan base and was a real head scratcher back then. In 26 years there best season by far was the 2011-12 season when they went to the conference finals, they have only made the playoffs 9 times. The team only averages 13,000 “fans”, which could be the visitors fans going to watch a game and enjoy a weekend of sun and your team winning.

Arizona already made the news this year when news outlets confirmed the Coyotes weren’t paying their rent at Gila River Arena and if they didn’t pay they would be locked out and have to go find a new place to play. After having their cheap/broke asses being dragged in the mud they ended up finding the funds so they could continue their campaign this year at Gila River Arena. But, obviously the money is too tight and they still looked elsewhere and they found their dream arena.

Arizona State is building a new arena with a capacity of 5,000 fans and this is where the Arizona Coyotes will be playing their games. To put this in perspective on how shitty of a look this is, the Seattle Kraken an NHL expansion team play in a 17,000 seat arena, the smallest arena in the league is Canada Life Centre where the Winnipeg Jets play and it has 15,321 seats, 3 times the amount of the Coyotes new arena. The southern experiment failed, first with the Atlanta Thrashers and now this with the Coyotes. There is so many cities that deserve an NHL team and start moving these failing franchises is what Gary Bettman should be doing to help the game out. Having a franchise play in a 5,000 seat arena is a god damn joke.


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