Lets take a ride in the time machine, In 2019 at Wrestlemania Bayley and Sasha Banks lost the Women’s Tag Team titles to the IIconics. After the match Sasha yelled at management about how the titles were taken off of her and how she’s a better wrestler and didn’t like the direction her character was going.

Fast forward to Raw on May 16th, prior to the show starting Sasha was told she was going to lose to her tag team partner in a singles match and the Boss did not like that. She once again yelled at management threw her title on the table and walked out of the show. This was big because she was suppose to main event the show that night.

Leaving the writers to scramble and go in a new direction you saw WWE break down the 4th wall and tell the television audience what happened prior to the show starting. As many people thought, its wrestling it is probably a work and they are using this story to go somewhere. After the show those thoughts changed since WWE put out a press release detailing everything that happened prior to the show starting. Again on Smackdown, Michael Cole told the Tv audience what happened and how Sasha is now suspended along with Naomi and they have been stripped of their titles.

Sasha is one of the best women wrestlers in the locker room but you can’t pull this type of stuff off twice. From all reports Sasha’s contract could be up at the end of the summer but you won’t see her being released due to Vince being scared AEW scoops her up, but I do think this is the last time we see Sasha in a WWE ring for a very long time.

You know what might help Sasha, getting “Something a Little More Interesting” from White Birch Brewing down in Nashua NH. That should help her get out of her funk and on the right path!


The Celtics love bounce back games


Clear Eyes, Full Heart, quit fuckin’ up