Tom Brady wanted OUT!

Following a six-month investigation, the league found the Dolphins -- primarily team owner Stephen Ross and vice chairman/limited partner Bruce Beal -- violated the anti-tampering policy on three occasions from 2019 to 2022 in conversations with quarterback Tom Brady and the agent for then-New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton. SOURCE

The league's investigation noted that the Dolphins had "impermissible communications" with Brady in 2019-20 while he was under contract with the New England Patriots. Those communications began as early as August 2019 and continued through that regular season and postseason. SOURCE

His entire final season in New England Tom Brady was dipping is pen in Miami’s ink. The more information that comes out about that time period the clearer the picture becomes. The distressed relationship between Brady and Belichick. Bill not meeting with Tom to discuss a contract. The final meeting with Kraft. It was all put into motion years ago and the pot was stirred but those slimy fucks down in South Beach.

Things have certainly not gone the way Belichick would have liked since Brady’s departure, but can we tone down the narrative that Belichick “forced him out” now? Brady wanted out of New England for years. For all the wrong reasons.

First, he’s butt hurt because Belichick has the audacity to draft Garrapolo in the 2nd round when he has a 37 year guy at the QB position. Then Tommy gets pissy because Bill doesn’t let him and his snake oil salesman trainer run a cue on the Patriot’s training staff. And really by the end Brady wanted what all divas want, more. More control not only over on field decisions, but also personnel decisions. He wanted more talent. He wanted the football world to be his oyster. And let’s not forget wifey wanted warm weather and a fatter pay check. He aint no “Fucking Johnny Foxboro”.

Brady was the “most miserable 8 - 0 QB in league history” in 2019 because he was already making his exit plan to south Florida. If the Dolphins weren’t one of the worst run trash franchises in the league Brady would have ended up in Miami instead of Tampa Bay. Leave it to the Dolphins to cheat and still fuck it all up.


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