Did Danny do Enough?

Evan Fournier and Mo Wagner? Oh, and something called Kornet that may have already been cut. Is that the splash you were looking for Celtics fans? Of course not. It never is with this team. When Nikola Vucevic was traded to Chicago for a couple 1sts and a bucket of balls you knew it was going to be a long day. Aaron Gordon basically getting dumped for a 1st was another disappointment. If you had followed an ounce of Celtics coverage for the past week it was pretty much a lock Gordon was on his way to Boston. Oladipo heads to Miami for a couple Celtics rejects on expiring deals. You have reason to be disappointed if you wanted something sexy.


Let’s look at it from a different angle. What did the Celtics give up? In a word, nothing. The only name here is Daniel Theis. He was your starting center for 2 years, but he shouldn’t have been right? He was out of position and over his head. Granted he did a more than admirable job. He beat expectations. Guys like Theis will always be remembered fondly in Boston. They are also way over valued. Theis was on an expiring deal and was going to ask for more than the Celtics would like to pay him and for sure more than he is worth. Theis should be a back up big on a decent team and be compensated as such. In Boston he would have wanted close to starter money, because that’s what he was in Boston, which is the point. It’s not good enough. As for the rest that was given up? Green, Teague, and a couple 2nds? I guess we hope Tatum isn’t pissy about dumping his buddy?

As an aside, the news broke that the Celtics got together as a team to say good bye to these guys? I’m sorry that’s too grade school kumbaya shit for me. It’s a professional organization it’s not summer camp. Maybe that’s the underlying problem, this team is just soft. You weren’t playing for each other on the court now you’re holding candle light vigils for the mighty fallen?


So to answer my own question, did Danny do enough? In terms of a mid season trade, I’ll give him a passing grade. I think Fournier provides a much needed scoring punch up and you’ll see addition by subtraction moving on from Theis. It’s more minutes for Time Lord and frankly they needed a shake up in the core. The neutered trader Danny wasn’t going to move Smart, Kemba is not moveable, and the Jay’s are untouchable, so he skimmed the line dealing Theis. Okay, let’s see if it works. The Vucevic and even the Gordon deals are a fair 2nd guess though as a Celtics fan. It would have cost you Smart and/or Time lord plus a 1st round pick or two for one of those guys. Not exactly the Dollar store prices Danny likes to shop with.

In summary, this team still belongs to the Jays. There attitude and commitment to the team and season will be the end all be all for the success of the Celtics for the next few seasons at least.


Tick Tock


I hate to say I told you so is such a dick way to say I told you so. Especially when you were wrong.