Are Celtics no longer tamperees?

Could they be the Tamperers? It’s All-Star Weekend in the NBA. This is Davos for NBA players. Instead of Billionaires trading away the rights of civilians it’s Millionaires trading away the jobs of General Managers.

NBA All-Star Weekend is where free agency happens. Many of you think this is in the summer after the Finals. No, no. The best players in the NBA all get together for a weekend whined and dined by the host city and the NBA. All talking about the next greatest super team and how many fucking Nike and Doritos endoursements they could cash in. If player B (Baby Back Bitch) forced his way out of, oh I dunno somewhere like 3 time champion Golden State to team up with player D (Douchebag) after player D quits on his current team and goes back on his word, they could be bunk buds! “Two max slots, brah”


So now it begs the question. With these two young Kings in the Jays being anointed in the NBA via Lebron James nicknames, could they be the Tamperers?

“Hey, Brad Beal, it’s me you’r very good friend Jayson Tatum. It’s going to be super duper chill playing with you this weekend. Have you met my other best bud Jaylen? He is wicked smart. It would just be the best if we could all be together. IN BOSTON! I know this dude who is a billionaire. Pretty sure he owns the team. Let’s drunk dial him.”

Boom. Welcome to Boston Bradley.


Baseball players are dickheads


Bermuda, Jamaica, oh I wanna Take ya, to White Birch Brewing