Hall of Fame voters are losers

In the wake of ESPN's story about Robert Kraft desperately attempting to get into the pro football Hall of Fame, the most glaring thought to me is that Hall of Fame voters are self righteous pricks.

The main Takeaway from the ESPN story is that people are put off by the blitzkrieg attempt from Stacey James and the Patriots PR team to get Robert Kraft into the Hall of Fame.

Stacey James: “If Robert Kraft wasn’t born there would be no NFL team in New England.”

For anyone who doesn’t know, here is the description of who these spoons are:

SOURCE The Pro Football Hall of Fame's Selection Committee is charged with the vital task of continuing to ensure that new enshrinees are the finest the game has produced. [Pro Football Hall of Fame's Selection Process/List of Selection Committee members]

The Committee consists of one media representative from each pro football city — with two from New York and two from Los Angeles, as those cities each have two teams in the National Football League. There can be up to 17 at-large Selectors, who are active members of the media or persons intricately involved in professional football, and one representative of the Pro Football Writers of America. All appointments are reviewed annually and approved by a majority vote of the Hall of Fame's Board of Directors. 

The Selection Committee meets annually shortly before the Super Bowl to elect new members of the Hall of Fame. There is no set number of new enshrinees, but the Committee’s current ground rules do stipulate that between four and eight members could be selected each year. Every candidate is thoroughly reviewed and must receive approval from at least 80% of the full Committee to be elected.

The voters are looking for subtlety or indifference when it comes to the golden jacket. Why does that matter? It's because these Hall of Fame voters believe themselves to be the gatekeeper of truth and justice or whatever bullshit they tell themselves to get it up for the inevitably to be disappointed.

Here are some highlights from the ESPN story:


“Part of the problem when it comes to assessing Kraft and the entire Patriots dynasty is factoring in several well-known controversies,”

 “A half dozen voters said evolving truths around incidents such as Spygate, Deflategate and Orchids of Asia cloud the team’s greatness.”

Anonymous Hall of Fame Voter: Some voters believe he was part of the biggest cheating scandal in NFL History. That’s a very tough one to overcome.

Van Natta noted in the story that several voters honed in on the fact that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell ordered the Spygate tapes to be destroyed by NFL general counsel in September 2007.

For those voters, Goodell did not order a thorough investigation of the videotaping scandal — shortly after Kraft championed Goodell’s ascension as NFL commissioner in 2006. 

“The Dynasty” — a bestselling book penned by Jeff Benedict in 2020 and the subsequent 10-part Apple TV+ documentary series bearing the same name — has also rankled voters, Van Natta reported.

The documentary series in particular drew criticism for its harsh critique of Belichick. Boston.com readers labeled it a “hit job” on Belichick and several former Patriots players shared that they felt “duped” by the narrative presented in the series. 

 “Some voters told ESPN they believe both projects were intended to juice Kraft’s Hall of Fame candidacy. A Patriots spokesperson adamantly denied the projects were part of any push to get Kraft into Canton. And last winter, Kraft said he had no influence on the docuseries and was “disappointed” with the film.”

The facts are the facts. Robert Kraft took a Patriots team that would be playing in Tennessee, or St. Louis, or Katmandu and has turned it into the third most valuable professional sports franchise in the world. He hired and employed the greatest coach of all time the greatest player of all time, won six Super Bowls, and his franchise boasted the greatest stretch of dominance in the history of of any professional sports. Not to mention the contributions he has made in unprecedented growth of the NFL over the past 30 years.

That guy belongs in a Hall of Fame whether he wants it too much or not.
Oh, and you can fuck off with the scandal nonsense.

Spy gate may be the most overblown scandal in history of scandals. They did it. I'm not saying they didn't do it. But to equate it to the reason as to why they won as much as the Patriots did only comes from mouthbreathers who are butt hurt. They either don't understand what the actual violation was and continue to spout off about things like the Boston Herold piece like like that crybaby bitch Marshall Faulk. A piece that that was redacted by the way. That or there are desperate ghouls who just enjoy butt being hurt.
Deflate was an embarrassing fake scandal concocted by the same worms out of NY that were enjoying being butt hurt over Spygate. It was a waste of resources for everyone involved, including the United States Senate and nearly the supreme freaking court.
And lastly, the Orchids of Asia to be held against Robert Kraft by these old spotted hand, creepy, freaks is hypocrisy at its own Hall of Fame level. Jerry Jones and the Cowboys have 5 playoff wins in the past 30 years. He has a stripper bus and an apocalypse yacht full of actual whores that he floated around during the pandemic. You can't tell me that guy and his ilk haven't relieved a little stress from some human traffickers from time to time.

Robert Kraft: Speaking about Jerry Jones: “He hasn’t been to the NFC title Game in two decades and he gets in? How does that work?”

Look, Kraft is full of shit and trying too hard and Hall of fame voters are self-righteous egotistical losers. Kraft is a hall of fame owner. If there is such a thing? The best owners are the ones who spend the most and do the least. I guess you should be recognized for being wicked rich and not a bumbling dickweed?

And do not even get me started on Baseball Hall of Fame voters. Those most Self indulge and self righteous pricks of them all.


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